People turn to the web to find the information they need right now from the palm of their hand. They continuously seek answers their questions, explore ideas, and keep up with what they care about most. Thanks to mobile devices, scrolling through information feeds and images has become a big part of the purchase journey. Platforms like Google and Facebook are making more targeted and accurate consumer research available of how their users are discovering brands online everyday. And providing ways for brands to use their platforms to retarget interested buyers using their websites.
Brand discovery happens on every page, during every moment of every day.
As consumers surf websites, stream music and movies or play video games, they're on the lookout for brands that meet their needs. One could say it's the law of attraction at work along with a lot of "unseen" help from platform algorithms. Online platform data bases are always guiding content to the consumers who want to see it to the delight of most consumers. Nearly 3 out of 4 people agree, they're always on the lookout for brands and products that are relevant to their needs.
Visually rich and relevant content delivered through engaging storytelling sparks action.
Brand loyalty builds as brands appear consistently across the reach of touch points.
Everyday activities consumers are engaged with online provide brands with a variety of access to their customers. Reading emails, catching up on news feeds, watching videos on YouTube, browsing for information or looking for images are part of our culture's everyday activities. They're also important reminder and access points for engaging brands. When brands appear consistently in these work spaces with messaging that meets or exceeds consumer expectations, they are building brand loyalty through what is called the purchase journey.
Nearly 60% of consumers online have discovered their favorite brands while checking in with friends on social media or looking for guidance from influencers and reviewing lifestyle sites or apps, while 43% report finding their favorite brands as they browse in an online store.
Brand loyalty is built by focusing on the purchase journey of customers.
The path to purchase is more complex than ever before as consumers with access to information from their favorite sources seek to know everything they can before making a purchase. As shoppers narrow or broaden their criteria, brands who are providing useful information and experiences to help consumers take their next action are consistently recognized and profiting.
Know your company needs to grow deeper roots in the digital economy but not sure what steps to take to make it happen? Floh Creative has launched hundreds of successful brand campaigns for entrepreneurs, well-loved Entertainment Studios and Fortune 500 companies. Using our discovery framework, we help define and position your brand and produce actionable insights for growth.
Ready to talk more about brand strategy for your business or product? Reach us at 310-564-6881 or visit us online at to learn more.
Mary Ellen Schrock is the CDO and Chief Disruptor of Floh Creative. As a bright, intuitive creative she has a passion for solving complex design and marketing challenges, especially when they require translating branding needs into compelling concepts and brand stories.
Mary Ellen loves building successful brands! She created Floh Creative as a place to use her talent to build brands, and share the knowledge, process and strategies that have proven themselves to provide growth for businesses available for all who are ready to grow.
Sources: Google Google/Ipsos Connect, U.S., Consumer Discovery Study, n of 2,001 U.S. consumers ages 18 to 54 who go online at least once a month Facebook Business Analytics.